3D Synthetic Vision Horizon Glass Cockpit

3D Synthetic Vision

The 3D Synthetic Vision (many people also refer to as PFD) provides an indication of the aircraft’s attitude as well as the area close to the aircraft such as terrain (mountains, hills, waters, etc.), nearby chart elements, runways, …, and the current procedure (e.g., approach). The current procedure is shown as a “tunnel in the sky”. This can be a Direct to a destination, a Holding, an approach, etc.

The terrain is rendered in warning colors in case of smaller vertical distances to the terrain. Useful flight information are displayed in a PFD-like style (e.g., speed, attitude, vertical speed, groundtrack, bearing, destination). Furthermore, the synthetic vision also displays other traffic as well as localizer and glideslope.

Moving Map

The moving map shows “vector” chart elements (such as airports, airspaces, navaids, fixes, obstacles, airways, and much more), raster charts (background images), terrain data (incl. warning colors if closer than 600 ft) as well as the current flight procedure/ flight plan.

Other than that it also displays landmarks, streets, waters, country borders, airport and taxiway charts, and much more. Also, other traffic can be displayed on the moving map.

It can be displayed in various styles, namely light or dark mode, and ICAO style.

AHRS Horizon Glass Cockpit


Horizon provides a backup attitude indicator (also called AHRS) provided you are using appropriate sensors. Many tablets/ smartphones have good internal sensors (gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, GNSS/GPS), which can be used in conjunction with our innovative sensor fusion algorithms to get a reliable attitude indication. Our sensor fusion algorithms have been carefully developed and heavily tested. They make it possible to get an attitude indication even when using only the internal sensor of your tablet/ smartphone.


You can fly different kinds of procedures, such as a direct to a destination, an approach on a specific runway, a holding, or also intercepting procedures (e.g., an airway). Next to the visualization of the procedure in the moving map, the tunnel in the sky of the synthetic vision will also guide you easily through your procedures.

Free Arrangement in Split Screen Views

All visualizations can be viewed in split screen together with other visualizations. Visualizations can be (re-) arranged to your individual desire. Also, the screen orientation can be switched between portrait and landscape mode.

Profile View

The profile view is a simulated side view that indicates the terrain profile and the airspaces along the flight route.

Inflight Weather Information

It is possible to obtain METARs and TAFs, provided you have a reliable internet connection (in the USA also via ADS-B possible). There, it makes sense to load the data while on the ground before takeoff. Then, the weather information can be seen in detail within the menu. Furthermore, on the moving map small pictograms (sun, clouds, ceiling, wind, etc.) next to the airports are also displayed, which indicate a generic description of the weather at that airport.


Using ADS-B and Flarm (via our sensors/ sensor boxes or alternatively with an independent sensor box that uses the GDL90 protocol) you can receive surrounding traffic, provided that the airplanes are equipped with that technology as well. Traffic is displayed on the moving map in 2D and within the synthetic vision in 3D.

High Quality VFR & IFR Chart Data

Our solution contains high quality VFR and IFR data for the entire continent of Europe, North America (USA + Canada) and New Zealand. It also contains basic data for the rest of the world.

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Feature Video

Check out our feature video to have a quick overview of the features our solution provides.

Other Features:

– platform independent (Android, iOS, Linux, other platforms on request)

– worldwide* chart data with:

– Obstacles

– Airspaces

– Airways

– Airports

– Navaids

– Waypoints / GPS fixes

– VFR Reporting Points

– Taxiways/Aprons/Hangars/Terminals

– Water Bodies (e.g. Rivers and Lakes)

– Street and Railway Landmarks

– High quality worldwide terrain data (except greenland and antarctica)

– Support for US VFR Sectional raster charts

– Support for custom waypoints and other custom elements

– Angle of Attack indication (if available)

– QNH/Altimeter settings to use a pressure sensor (default: auto determined by GNSS)

– Manual and automatic calibration for best accuracy

– Flight plans

– Logfiles

– Checklists

– Viewing details of chart elements

– Viewing glide infos

– Connection with the free FlightGear flight simulator

– Multiple display support (via UDP Forwarding)

– In-App help / manual

– Attitude accuracy indication

– North Up and Track Up Modes

– Portrait and Landscape Modes

– …


* worldwide data include: high quality data for Europe, USA, New Zealand, Canada and basic data for the rest of the world. Please also see our distribution overview maps.